VLADIMIR NERISANU, Real Estate Broker, Realtor, Bucharest, Romania, Europe | Phone: +4 0788 304 360, +4 0788 304 400
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Smart investments for the future

Stimati Clienti, Vanzatori sau Cumparatori, daca doriti serviciile unui profesionist pentru piata imobiliara, va rog sa ma contactati, iar daca ati fost satisfacuti de calitatea serviciilor, va rog sa ma recomandati tuturor prietenilor si cunostintelor dumneavoastra. Sunt specializat in toate tipurile de tranzactii imobiliare - vanzari/cumparari si inchirieri de apartamente, case/vile, spatii comerciale, birouri, hale/depozite, terenuri-cu prioritatein zone Centrale, Ultracentrale si de Nord ale Municipiului Bucuresti. Sunt recomandat de o experienta de peste 20 ani in Piata Imobiliara. Ca membru APAIR (Asociatia Profesionala a Agentilor Imobiliari din Romania), mi-am propus sa lucrez in Sistem de Reprezentare Exclusiva a Clientilor, utilizand MLS APAIR-FLEX, www.sistemimobiliar.ro si cu Baza de Date Comuna APAIR. Serviciul de Listare Multipla (MLS) si Baza de Date Comuna (BDC), folosit de membrii APAIR, asigura comunicarea si cooperarea intre agentii/brokerii imobiliari, conducand la cresterea vitezei de tranzactionare si la imbunatatirea calitatii informatiilor oferite clientilor. APAIR utilizeaza aplicatia software americana FLEX MLS, un sistem cu caracteristici avansate care ii ajuta pe agentii/brokerii imobiliari sa acopere nevoile clientilor si sa obtina cele mai bune rezultate pentru acestia.

Dears Clients, Sellers or Buyers, if you want the professional services on Real Estate Market, please call me and if you were satisfied about the quality, please reffer me to all your relatives and friends. My expertise is for all types of real estate transactions - buying/selling and rental of apartments, houses/villas, commercial spaces, office spaces, warehouses, lands - with priority in Central, Downtown and Northern Areas of Bucharest City. I am recommended for over 20 years experience in real estate market. As a member of APAIR (Romanian Professional Real Estate Agents Association), I have, among my goals, the Exclusive Representation of my Clients, using APAIR's MLS, www.sistemimobiliar.ro, with Common Database of APAIR. Multiple Listing Service (MLS) and Common Database (BDC), used by APAIR members, ensure communication and cooperation between real estate agents/brokers, leading to the increase of transaction speed and improvement of the quality of information offered to customers. APAIR uses American software FlexMLS, system with advanced features that helps real estate agents/brokers to cover customers needs and to obtain the best results for them.

Member of the Romanian Proffessional Real Estate Agents Association (APAIR)

Member of The National Association of REALTORS (NAR)

Freelancer Vladimir Nerisanu
   Bucuresti - Bucuresti, Calea Mosilor, Metrou Bucur Obor

   Bucuresti - Gara de Nord Metrou Sos.Titulescu Piata Victoriei

   Bucuresti - Piata Romana, Metrou, ASE

   Bucuresti - Calea Plevnei Mall Orhideea Metrou Basarab Kaufland Gara de Nord

   Bucuresti - Piata Victoriei-Bd.Titulescu-Gara de Nord-Metrou

   Bucuresti - Cartierul Floreasca, Calea Floreasca, Lacul Floreasca

   Bucuresti - Piata Victoriei-Calea Victoriei-Str.Sevastopol

   Bucuresti - Centrul Istoric Str.Lipscani Bd.I.C.Bratianu, Magazin Bucuresti

   Bucuresti - Calea Grivitei, Metrou Gara de Nord

   Bucuresti - Calea Grivitei, Metrou Gara de Nord